Path Finder was the first file browser on macOS to integrate tabs into its interface.
Tabs allow you to open and organize multiple folders inside a single window, which keeps your screen from getting cluttered. If you work with several different folders on a regular basis, you can open them in tabs and save them as a tab preset to be able to access them quickly in the future.
Open a new tab
Double-click the empty space at the right of the tab bar
Press the little plus sign at the right of the tab bar
Press Cmd-T
Open a folder in a new tab
Right-click on the selected folder and choose “Open in Tab”
Close tabs
To close a tab, just click on the “x” sign on the tab itself. You can also press Cmd-W to close the current tab.
Tip: if you accidentally closed a tab, you can Undo the operation by pressing “Cmd-Z” or choosing menu Edit > Undo Close Tab.
Move a tab to a new window
You can take any tab and drag it out of the current window to form a new window. You can also drag a tab out of one window and put it into another one. Grab and hold a tab with the mouse and drag it out of the window (and onto another window if you wish so)
1 comment
I don't understand what the difference is between saving a browser and a preset. Neither of them save the open tabs for a split pane browser. Plus when you are in that it doesn't show one side versus the other side if they are swapped so it is not clear which side will take the tab preset.
I want to have a full browser saved for both sides with all of its tabs and there seems to be no way to do that.
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